
Are we REALLY Self-Sufficient?Published Aug. 08, 2024

All of us have the tendency to think that we know more than we actually do. We believe that we are self-­sufficient and in need of no one else, but nothing could be further from the truth. The real truth is that we depend on God for every breath that we take. We were created with the need to walk through life with other people. If we believe that we are self-­sufficient, we don’t see a need for people. When this happens, we fail to see a reason to invest the time it takes to build relationships with others.

But the opposite is true as well, right? Many of us feel like we have nothing to offer. Perhaps we think that nobody really wants to be our friend. We may even ask the question, “Why would they want to have me as a friend?”

Maybe we think something in our past or in our makeup prevents us from being “qualified” for acceptance as a friend for someone else. But that’s not true. Each of us has something of value that will enhance friendship with another person.

We were made for each other, made for relationships.

Are we really self-sufficient?
Do you think we should make use of relationships more?

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